RESOLUTION: GBR-2005014 Guidelines for Disaster Relief and Memorial funds


Guidelines for Disaster Relief and Memorial funds

Guidelines for Disaster Relief and Memorial funds

January 12, 2005

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF);
GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF.)

1. General Principle.

When a USTC student, or professor, or an alum passed away,
often there is strong request to AF to set up a memorial
fund so that part of the fund can be used as disaster
relief by the family.  This is not against the mission of
AF.  This does not violate any regulation on the non-profit
organization.  On the other side, such memorial funds would
promote the mission of AF.

This resolution provides guidelines for setting up
memorial funds and for the operations of such funds.
However, in principle, such funds may be set up for
USTC related personnel only.

2. Procedure.

(A) A memorial fund must be proposed by a GB member and
seconded.  The fund must be approved by GB.

(B) A memorial fund receives two kinds of donations,
disaster relief and scholarship.

(C) The first $100 of the memorial fund must be in the
scholarship portion of the fund.

(D) For a single donation of more than $1,000, at least the
50% of the portion above $1,000 must go the scholarship.

(E) The portion of disaster relief would be sent directly
to the pre-specified beneficiaries.

(F) The use of the scholarship portion of the fund must
follow the guideline of AF subfunds.  The awardee
selection criteria would be approved by GB.  Awardees
cannot be selected in advance, and the range of selection
must be reasonably large.

(G) The scholarship portion of a donation would be treated
the same as a donation to the general AF fund.

(H) The disaster relief portion of a donation will be
recorded separately and will not be entitled to
the benefit of AF donations, if there is any, such
as T-shirt gifts to donors.

3. Bill of Conflicts.

AF is the only legitimate organization in providing and
managing such a fund.  AF is entitled to make final decisions
on the use such a fund,  including both the portion of
scholarship and the portion of disaster relief.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve
the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions
by GB on matters related to such a fund are final.

4. Exemptions:

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article
or modifications concerning this award will need to be
approved by at least 2/3 GB members.



Add'l info
Passed on January 15, 2005. 9 Yes votes, and 1 No.
Additional Info:

Needy or distressed test:

Generally, a disaster relief or emergency hardship
organization must make a specific assessment that a
recipient of aid is financially or otherwise in need.
Individuals do not have to be totally destitute to
be financially needy; they may merely lack the
resources to obtain basic necessities.

Under established rules, charitable funds cannot be
distributed to individuals merely because they are
victims of a disaster.  Therefore, an organization's
decision about how its funds will be distributed must
be based on an objective evaluation of the victim's needs
at the time the grant is made. The scope of the
assessment required to support the need for assistance
may vary depending upon the circumstances.

Disaster relief or emergency hardship organizations
may provide assistance in the form of funds, services,
or goods to ensure that victims have the basic
necessities, such as food, clothing, housing
(including repairs), transportation, and medical
assistance (including psychological counseling).  The
type of aid that is appropriate depends on the
individual's needs and resources.
For example, immediately following a devastating flood,
a family may be in need of food, clothing, and shelter,
regardless of their financial resources.  However, they
may not require long-term assistance if they have
adequate financial resources. Individuals who are
financially needy or otherwise distressed are appropriate
recipients of charity.  Financial need and/or distress
may arise through a variety of circumstances.
Examples include individuals who are:

* Temporarily in need of food or shelter when stranded,
injured, or lost because of a disaster

* Temporarily unable to be self-sufficient as a result
of a sudden and severe personal or family crisis, such
as victims of crimes of violence or physical abuse

* In need of long-term assistance for housing, childcare,
or educational expense because of a disaster

* In need of counseling because of trauma experienced as
a result of a disaster or crime


Often charitable organizations (or programs by existing
charities) are established as a result of a particular
disaster where both short-term and long-term assistance
might be required.

The following types of assistance, if based on individual
need, would be consistent with charitable purposes:

*   Assistance to allow a surviving spouse with young
children to remain at home with the children
to maintain the psychological well-being of the
entire family

*  Assistance with elementary and secondary school tuition
and higher education costs to permit a child to attend
a school

*  Assistance with rent, mortgage payments, or
car loans to prevent loss of a primary home or
transportation that would cause additional trauma to
families already suffering

*  Travel costs for family members to attend funerals and
to provide comfort to survivors


An organization must maintain adequate records that
demonstrate the victims' needs for the assistance provided. 
These records must also show that the organization's
payments further charitable purposes. Thus, records
are required when aid is provided to individuals based
on a specific assessment of need, as described
above. Documentation should include:

* A complete description of the assistance

* The purpose for which the aid was given

* The charity's objective criteria for disbursing
assistance under each program

* How the recipients were selected

* The name, address, and amount distributed to each

* Any relationship between a recipient and officers,
directors, or key employees of or substantial
contributors to the charitable organization

A charitable organization that is distributing
short-term emergency assistance would only be expected
to maintain records such as the type of assistance
provided, criteria for disbursing assistance, date,
place, estimated number of victims assisted
(individual names and addresses are not required),
charitable purpose intended to be accomplished,
and the cost of the aid. Examples of such short-term
emergency aid would include blankets, hot meals,
electric fans, or coats, hats, and gloves.
An organization that is distributing longer-term
aid should keep the above more-detailed records.

Zhang, Shangyou

HU Rongxiang, DING Jian

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2004012 Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award


Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award

Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award

Note: AF is a shorthand name for the University of Science and 
Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF);
GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF.
The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other
Interpretation is acceptable.


To recognize members of the USTC faculty dedicated to teaching,
and to increase the awareness of the importance of fundamental
courses teaching at USTC.


The Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) is awarded annually to 2
qualified members of the USTC faculty, each with a total cash amount
of $1,500, depending on the credentials of candidates and the
availability of funds. Applications of no less than 2 candidates are
submitted by USTC to USTCAF at least one month before the start of a
new academic year. The GB first makes a preliminary decision on
winners of this award and notifies USTC, then amends this preliminary
decision if necessary based on the feedback from USTC. The GB
announces the recipients at the beginning of a new academic year.
The award is given out in one installment.


To qualify for the TEA, a candidate MUST fulfill all of the following
list of requirements:

(a) Be an active member of the USTC faculty at the Hefei campus,
(b) Be nominated by USTC based on achievements in teaching (especially
the teaching of undergraduate fundamental courses), and recognition
among USTC students, 
(c) Has served on USTC faculty for at least 5 years,
(d) Has taught at least one fundamental course each school year in the
past 3 years,
(e) Maintains on the USTC faculty during the academic year when
receiving the award.

The application to TEA must include:
(a) A listing of courses taught by the applicant within the last 3
years, and the dates of the teaching,
(b) a curriculum vita,
(c) other supplemental materials the applicant deems helpful in his/her
application. For example, any text book the candidate has published.


It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection
criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the
responsibility of USTC to submit the list of candidates and
their applications to GB in time for it to make the necessary
decisions. It is the responsibility of USTC to verify the
information provided in the applications including the letters
of recommendations. It is the responsibility of USTC to
distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when
an official AF representative is not able to be on site.
All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues
regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback
from candidates and faculty members/students. AF is not
liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply
with its above-mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the
selection process as provided may not be the best or complete
but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the
right to reject any candidate based on its best judgments.


This award is intended to recognize USTC faculty members
who are dedicated to teaching at USTC, and to promotes
the excellence of USTC. If the recipient terminates his/her
association with USTC for any reason during the academic year
of the award, USTCAF reserves the right to withdraw the
award from such a recipient. The recipient of AF's awards
should bear high moral and merit standards. If a recipient
is found to have serious misconduct, such as forging merit
documents or participating in criminal activities, AF
reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the
recipient, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or
to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked
recipient will be permanently banned from receiving any
future AF awards. The decision to revoke an award has to
be approved by 2/3 majorities of GB members.


AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an
award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards
and revoke an award if the actions of a recipient violate the
spirit of this award.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the
final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by
GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no
legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or
concerning parties.


Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or
modifications concerning this award will need to be approved
by at least 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info

Jian, DING

HU Rongxiang, ZHANG Shangyou

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2004010 Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships (2)


Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships (2)

Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships
March 20, 2004

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)

0. This resolution replaces GBR-1999-9-1 and GBR-2000-3-1.

1. Background Information:

AF Goodwill Scholarship was set up in 1999.  Each year, the Scholarship awards about 75 students of three tiers, $100, $200 and $300.  The general Goodwill subfund spent about $15K a year.  Other than first two years,  the spending was way above the total of donations to the subfund each year.  In 2002 and 2003, donations to the general Goodwill subfund were below $2K.  Without a revision and an effective fund raising, the scholarship can last only one more year.

2. Revision Principle:

(1) $100 and $200 Goodwill Scholarship awards are too low. 
(2) AF Goodwill Awards amount about 4 percent of Goodwill-type scholarships in USTC,  offered by the Chinese Government and local corporations.  But it still requires relative heavy work for USTC staff in processing application.
(3) Goodwill Scholarship needs more materials for its fund raising.  AF needs to collect letters, photos, articles, and other info from applicants in fund raising.
(4) After Goodwill Scholarship, USTC changed its BS degree requirement from 5 years to 4 years.
(5) Some procedures specified in previous two resolutions are not practical, as shown after the resolutions were excused, and need to be corrected.

3. The Goal:

To provide financial assistance to USTC students who need financial help in order to complete her/his degree at USTC. Students are selected based on the following criteria:

(1) Financial need. (2) Academic standing.

In particular, higher priority will be given to female students from rural area.


4. The Procedure:

(1) New Students.

The fellowships are awarded annually to approximately 20 new students with the amount of $300 each.  The students are initially selected by USTC and approved by GB, based on their financial need, academic standing and availability of other financial aids. The first year AF Goodwill award  recipients are not guaranteed to receive it again.

(2) Later Year Students.

a) The new students who received AF Goodwill are supposed to send GB at least an application letter stating his/her financial situation, academic standing, determination on academic achievement, and willingness to sponsor students too in future, etc.  Other
materials, such as personal photo, family photo, activities photo, publications and articles, are encouraged too.  The application must be received no later than March 15th the second year.

b) All current and past Goodwill Scholarship students may submit such information at any time.  Other USTC students may submit such an application too.

c) The application will be displayed on AF webpage for alumni and other potential sponsors to view (however, the access of this type of webpages from USTC is blocked.)

d) In general,  if one selects a student, he or she would be called an AF Goodwill Sponsor.  A sponsor is supposed to make donations of $300 a year for three years, or one  time donation of $900.  The student would receive $300 through AF, after the award is approved by GB and USTC.

e) A second year student may no longer receive Good Scholarship after the first year Goodwill award,  if he or she did not get a sponsor.

g) In general,  the general Goodwill Fund will not be used to award the second and later year students, except for unusual circumstances.


5. Responsibilities of USTC

It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the responsibility of USTC to submit a comprehensive list of candidates to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions. It is the responsibility
of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative were not able to be on site. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates or any other students but also make it known that the official USTC's nomination list will the only valid one for the selection decision process. AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with its above mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to drop any candidate based on its best judgements.

6. Status of awardees:

The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards. If an awardee is found to have serious misconduct, such as cheating on grades, forging merit documents, or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the awardee, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked awardee will be permanently banned from receiving any future AF awards or joining the GB. The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majority of GB members.

7. Bill of conflicts

AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award were the actions of a recipient violate the spirit of this fellowship.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.

8. Exemptions:

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info
> 周老师,

> AF继续资助2003爱心奖学生,保持原来额。

> 资助2004爱心奖新生,18名左右,其中至少1名1系, 2名2系,
> 2名5系, 2名8系, 1名11系, 其余名额平均分配(包括上述系)
> 2004爱心奖新生每人300美元。但不保证2005继续获奖.

(should be 2 from dept 7)

> 张上游

> 中国科大校友基金会爱心奖学金准则
> 2004年3月20日

> (注释:校友基金会是中国科大校友基金会的简称;董事会是指中国科大校友基金
> 会的董事会.此准则中,校友基金会或董事会的使用是唯一的;没有其他的解
> 释.)
> 此决议取代董事会决议R-1999-9-1和R-2000-3-1.

> 1.背景信息:
> 校友基金会爱心奖学金设立于1999年.每年该奖学金奖励75名学生.奖金分100
> 美元,200美元,300美元三等.爱心奖学金每年支出大约15000美元.除了开始
> 的两年以外,每年的支出远大于对此项基金的捐款.我们需要对爱心奖学金进行改
> 革,并且利用申请人提供的更多信息更有效地筹集资金.

> 2.修改原则:
> 统一所有爱心奖学金为一种,以减少科大的筛选工作.

> 3.目标:
> 为需要经济援助才能在中国科大完成本科学业的学生提供经济帮助.学生的选择应
> 基于以下标准:(1)经济需要;(2)学习成绩.
> 来自农村的女生将特别给予优先照顾.

> 4.程序:
> (1)新生.
> 此奖学金每年发放给20名左右新生,每人300美元.基于学生的经济需要,学习
> 成绩,和接受其他奖学金的情况,中国科大和校友基金会共同选择受奖学生.第一
> 年受奖者并不能保证再次受奖.
> (2)其他年级学生.
> a)    获奖新生应寄给董事会至少一封申请信,阐明本人经济情况,学习成绩,学
> 有所成的决心,和将来愿意帮助其他学生,等等.其他材料,如个人,家
> 庭,和活动照片,发表的文章,也都欢迎.申请材料必须不迟于第二年三月
> 十五日寄到.
> b)    所有当前和过去的爱心奖学金获得者可以在任何时候递交申请.其他科大学
> 生也可以提交申请.
> c)    申请将公布于校友基金会网页上,供校友和其他可能的资助者查看.(但
> 是,从科大不能访问这些网页).
> d)    一般来说,如果选择学生的人被称为资助者.资助者应每年捐助300美元,
> 连续三年,或一次性捐款900美元.奖项由科大和校友基金会通过后,学生
> 从校友基金会得到300美元.
> e)    如果一个二年级学生没有找到资助者,就不能再得到此奖.
> f)    一般来说,爱心基金不用来发放新生以外的爱心奖学金,除非有特殊情况.

> 5.中国科大的责任
> 中国科大有责任向所有有资格的候选人公开候选条件.中国科大有责任向董事会提
> 供完整的候选人名单,以便董事会能按时作出必要的决定.当校友基金会代表不能
> 在场时,中国科大有责任向获奖者颁发奖金和证书.所有有资格的候选人应该向中
> 国科大查询与提名相关的问题.校友基金会欢迎候选人及其他学生的建议和反馈,
> 但是声明中国科大的提名名单将是选择决定过程唯一有效的.校友基金会不对任何
> 由于中国科大未尽以上提及的责任引起的争议负责.
> 董事会意识到选择过程所使用的标准和提供的信息可能不是最好或完整的,但是将
> 不对此承担责任,并保留依靠最佳判断,排除任何候选人的权利.

> 6.获奖者的状况
> 校友基金会奖学金获奖者应具有很高的道德品质标准.如果获奖者被发现有严重不
> 良行为,如假造成绩和品行文件,或参与犯罪活动,校友基金会保留收回获奖证
> 书,公开及通知相关各方,或如果适用,进一步追究法律责任.被取消的获奖者将
> 被永久禁止获得任何校友基金会奖励或加入董事会.取消奖励的决定需要由2/3多
> 数的董事会成员同意.

> 7.冲突议案
> 议案校友基金会是提供该项奖学金的唯一合法机构.如果获奖者的行为违反了这项
> 奖学金的精神,校友基金会有权作出有关奖学金及收回奖学金的最终决定.
> 如果有任何利益冲突,校友基金会保留解释此文件的最终解释权.董事会关于此奖
> 的决定是最后决定.校友基金会将不对获奖者,中国科大或相关各方承担法律责
> 任.

> 8.豁免
> 从该文件所规定的准则以外关于此奖学金的任何豁免或修改必需由至少2/3董事会
> 成员同意.

Zhang, Shangyou

HU Rongxiang, DING Jian

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2004011 USTCAF Equipment/Non-Cash Capital Donation Guideline


USTCAF Equipment/Non-Cash Capital Donation Guideline

+ USTCAF Equipment/Non-Cash Capital Donation Guideline

0. Aim and purpose

University of Science and Technology Alumni Foundation (USTCAF)
allows and accepts equipment and non cash capital donation, as an
alternative way to cash donation in assisting USTC's research and 
teaching programs.
The equipment and non cash capital donation is designed to
assist USTC's needs in science, engineering and teaching programs, by
saving USTC's funds from the cost associated with purchaing these


1. Qualifying equipment or non cash capital donation

1-a) Science or engineering instruments or equipments
1-b) Software tools/licenses or educational tools.
1-c) Books or Journals

2. Valuation of Equipment or Non-Cash Capital Donation

The valuation of equipment or non-cah capital donation is
accessed based on the cost saving USTC or AF can benefit
if USTC or AF will have to purchase such items. This is
for AF's record keeping purpose only. The donors are advised
to follow appropriate law or regulations in
claiming the value for tax or operation cost purpose.

2-a) The fair market value of the donation, as agreed upon by
both the donor and USTC based on fair market value.
2-b) The price as indicated by the purchase receipt, if the
donor purchased the equipment for the purpose of donating
it to USTC or USTCAF.
2-c) Any cost associated with transporting the equipment
or non-cash capital donation
to USTC, as incurred by the donor.

Once a confirmation of receipt and relevant documentations
have been received by AF,  the donation amount will be
officially listed in AF's donation record, under equipment and
non-cash capital donation category. The cash-equivallent
value of the donation is also recorded
in AF's total donation record.

3. Equipment or Non-Cash Capital Donation Procedures

3-a) The donor(s) transport the equipment or non-cash capital to

3-b) USTC or AF will send out a confirmation of receipt to donor
and copy AF.

3-C) USTC or AF will provide an acessment of fair market value,
sent to AF for AF's documentation purpose only. USTC or AF
may consult th donor(s)  during accessment of the fair
market value, but this bares no legal intention of
confirming the vale of the donation.

3-d) The donor(s) is advised to follow appropriate law or
regulations in claiming the legal value of the donation
for tax or other purpose. AF will not be responsible for

4. Rights of equipment and non-cash capital donors

The equipment and non-cash capital donors are considered as AF members based on AF
guidelines and are subject to AF rulings. The donors of equipment and non-cash capital
have equal voting rights as other donors to the AF funds. The donors of equipment and
non-cash capital are eligible for AF benefits.

5. Bill of Conflicts

Equipment and non-cash capital will become USTC's and/or AF's
property. Usage of the equipment or non-cash capital donated
to USTCAF is under the supervision of AF or USTC.

The accessment of fair market value is solely the
responsibility of the donor, AF bears no legal obligations
in verifying the fair market value of the equipment or non-cash
capital donation. The record of the fair value of equipment
and non-cash donation only reflects USTC or AF's accessment
of the cost savings USTC or AF can benefit from
this donation, not a legal verification from AF on the value
of donation. Hence, in the case that AF or USTC has rejected
the donation, or there is no agreement between USTC and the
donor, or USTCAF and the donor, on the fair market value the donor
has claimed, USTCAF can refuse to record the donation on AF's
official record.

It is further advised that the donor should follow
appropriate laws or regulations in claiming the
value of donation for any tax or corporate operating cost purpose.


7. Exemptions

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article will
have to be approved by 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info

Hu, Rongxiang

Fujiang Lin, Jian Ding

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2003008 Outstanding New Student Award Guidelines (version 2)


Outstanding New Student Award Guidelines (version 2)


USTCAF Outstanding New Student Award Guidelines (version 2)

0. Purpose: This award is designed to attract the most outstanding high
school graduates to attend USTC. Awardees will each receive a cash
award plus an award certificate. The recipient is the sole end
benefactor of this award; such an award must not be transferred to the
third party.

Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation
(USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The
usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation
is acceptable.

1. Award Categories:

(A) Award to the most outstanding students. Provincial #1 in
College Entrance Examination is automatically qualified. Perspective
candidates also include but are not limited to Gold Medallists in
international high school student competitions in major area of high
school study. The award amount is USD$1000, USTC matches to RMB 10,000.

(B) Award to exceptionally outstanding students. Provincial
#2 in College Entrance Examination is automatically qualified for this
category but not limited to. The award amount is USD$600, USTC matches
to RMB 7,000.

(C) Award to outstanding students. Provincial top 50 in College
Entrance Examination is automatically qualified for this category.
Perspective candidates also include the top 5% in all
USTC new students in the official College Entrance Exam to USTC.
The award amount is USD$400, USTC matches to RMB 4,000.


2. Selection procedures

Each year when information concerning the criteria adopted is
available, USTC should give a single complete list of candidates
with detailed qualification information to the governing board of
AF (GB as hitherto referred) at the earliest convenience, which is
preferred to be before the new students registration if applicable.
AF and GB are not responsible for later or incomplete information
of candidates. GB makes decisions based on merits of candidates, as
well as the availability of AF's fund balance. GB voting will make
the decision on candidates.

The total award from AF each year must not exceed the total amount
allocated in AF's fiscal budget that year. In consideration of the
criteria, size of USTC  and AF, the number of awardees is not fixed
but is preferable not to exceed the number of departments in USTC.
However, this does not imply that the award has any implicit or
explicit relation with the department where a student is affiliated.
Moreover, the budget restriction does not apply to awards made
by special funds.

3. Responsibilities of USTC

It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection
criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the
responsibility of USTC to submit a comprehensive list of candidates
to GB in time for decision of awardees. It is of the responsibility
of USTC to distribute the awards and certificates to awardees when
an official AF representative is not on scene. All eligible
candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination.
AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates or other students
but recognizes that USTC's nomination list through the official
channel is the only nomination list to be based on. AF is not liable
for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with such

GB recognizes that the standards and available information used
may not be the sole best criteria to make a judgement on individual
students from different backgrounds and education and assume no
liability on the use of the standard. GB reserves the right to
decline any candidate when there is no unified standard to compare
between the candidates in all the new students in large. For
example, #1 in any one class is not automatically eligible for
this award with the exclusion of special funds. AF and GB
respect the excellence of these and other students declined but
is limited to award only the candidates best fit into AF's scope
and goal. It is the responsibility of USTC and students in seeking
appropriate award and maintaining a fair and workable standard in
honoring all distinguished students.

4. Status of awardees

The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit
standards. If an awardee is proven to have conducted serious
misconduct, such as cheating on grades, forging merit documents,
or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right
to revoke the certificate of the awardee, to publicize and
notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if
applicable. The revoked awardee will be permanently banned from
receiving any future AF awards or joining the GB. The decision
to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majority of GB members.

5. Rights of awardees

This scholarship is awarded to the most talented young individuals
entering USTC. AF certifies the usage of the award certificate by
the recipient in seeking schools for study, employment or other
honorary awards. The recipient has the rights to decline or return
such an award.

6. Bill of conflicts

AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award.
AF reserves the exclusive usage of the name of the award namely
"Outstanding New Student Award". AF is entitled to make final
decisions on the awards and revoke an award if actions of the
recipient violate items and spirits in this article.

If there is conflict of interests, AF reserves the final rights
to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related
to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to
recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.

(7) Exemptions

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article and
modifications concerning this award will have to be approved by
2/3 GB members. The Executive Committee (including Chair,
Vice-Chair and Secretary) have the final veto rights to overturn
such exemptions.

Add'l info
Only chaged Category 3 candidates from #3 to top 50s.

Zhang, Shangyou

Liren Chen

Last Change