RESOLUTION: GBR-201333 Secretary General Appointment

Title: Appointing Mr. ZHANG Wei the AF Secretary General

Date Passed: March 18th, 2013

Author: Steven LI

Co-Sponsors: WANG, Kefei & GONG, Xiaohua

The USTC Alumni Foundation (USTC AF) board of directors hereby appoints Mr.

ZHANG, Wei (USTC class 856), as the Secretary General, effective immediately

RESOLUTION: GBR-201332: Establishing Secretary General Position

Title: Establishing the Position of the Secretary General

Date Passed: March 18th, 2013

Author: Steven LI

Co-Sponsors: WANG, Kefei & GONG, Xiaohua


The USTC AF has been a volunteer-run organization since its inception, without any paid

position of staff. The Board of Directors (the Board) feels that such an arrangement is limiting

the growth potential of the AF, and its ability to best fulfill its charter of promoting the interest of

the USTC itself. As such, the Board decides to establish a Secretary General position, in the

hope to bring to us the benefit of professional management.


A person duly appointed as the Secretary General of the USTC AF, has the following


1) Build and maintain an operational team, if necessary. The team members report to the

Secretary General

2) Publish newsletters at regular intervals.

3) Maintain accurate accounting of our members, establish channels for members to reach

us, and respond to their inquiries.

4) Conduct fund raising campaigns, and to interact with existing and prospective donors.

5) Maintain liaison relationships with appropriate counterparties at the USTC.

6) Furnish the Board with a budget for all operations and activities to be conducted by the

Secretary General, at the beginning of every quarter. Such budget should be less than 7%

of the estimated donation income of the quarter.


A person duly appointed as the Secretary General of the USTC AF, is hereby granted the

following authorities. Such a person is allowed to further delegate portions of the authorities to

his/her staff members.

1) Recruit, hire, and fire staff members.

2) Pay staff members a reasonable salary, plus all necessary benefit as required by

applicable laws.

3) Communicate on behalf of the AF, through electronic or other means, to members, USTC

and the public in general.4) Engage vendorsto purchase products, supplies, and services necessary to fulfill the

responsibilities above.


The Secretary General and his/her staff members are specifically prohibited from the following

without the written consent of the Board or its duly authorized committees:

1) Entering into any agreement with any parties outside the areas of responsibilities above.

2) Committing the AF to any financial obligations beyond a 12-month period, or with an

increasing amount measured on a quarterly pro-rated basis. (i.e. no long term or

ballooning service contracts)

3) Representing the AF in any communications that conflict with any of the AF's bylaws,

corporate charter, or resolutions.


The Secretary General can and shall be fairly compensated. A prospective candidate, or a person

occupying such office, should submit a compensation request for approval by the Board or its

duly delegated committee.

The Secretary General shall set the compensation level for his/her staff members at a level that is

appropriate with the labor market, where staff members are hired.


The Board shall appoint a candidate to the Secretary General in the form of a resolution.

The board shall be able to terminate the appointment of the Secretary General to any person

without prior notice, or with any reason for doing so, or the need to find the person at fault for

any wrongdoing. Such termination shall also be in the form of a resolution.

RESOLUTION: GBR-201230 Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Achievement Award


Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Achievement Award


This is the first amendment to GBR-2006018 (Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Achievement Award) in response to the need to improve operability and coverage of the USTCAF Young Faculty Achievement Award (YFAA).

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)


To recognize and award outstanding young faculty members for their prominent academic achievements at USTC and to promote academic excellence among USTC young faculty.


The Young Faculty Achievement Award (YFAA) is awarded annually to one (1) qualified member of the USTC faculty, with a total cash amount of RMB 50,000, depending on the credentials of candidates and the availability of funds. In special circumstances when there is more than one truly exceptional candidate in a given year, two awards may be issued under GB's discretion. Vice versa, if no qualified candidate is available, GB may elect not to issue YFAA for a given year. Applications of no less than two (2) candidates shall be submitted by USTC to USTCAF at least one month before the start of a new academic year. The GB first makes a preliminary selection of recipients and notifies USTC, then modifies this preliminary selection if necessary based on the feedback from USTC and makes the final decision on recipients. The GB announces the recipients at the beginning of a new academic year. The award is given out in one installment.


To qualify for the YFAA, a candidate MUST fulfill all requirements as listed below:

(a) Be an active member of the USTC faculty at the HEFEI campus,

(b) Be nominated by USTC based on outstanding academic achievements,

(c) Be a Ph.D. holder from an accredited Chinese or international institution,

(d) Be of 45 years old or younger,

(e) Has not previously received YFAA,

(f) Has submitted all the application materials (see below), and

(g) Maintains on the USTC faculty during the academic year when receiving the award.


The application for YFAA must include:

(a) One page essay stating the applicant's academic achievements at USTC, and how your work and service contributed/will contribute to USTC significantly in the past and in the future,

(b) A curriculum vita,

(c) A list of four references with at least two references from outside USTC, and

(d) Other supplemental materials that the applicant deems helpful in his/her application.



It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the responsibility of USTC to submit the list of candidates and their applications to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions. It is the responsibility of USTC to verify the information provided in the applications including the letters of recommendations. It is the responsibility of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative is not able to be on site. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates and faculty members/students. AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with its above-mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to reject any candidate based on its best judgments.


This award is intended to award outstanding young faculty members for their prominent academic achievements at USTC and promote the excellence of USTC. If the recipient terminates his/her association with USTC for any reason during the academic year of the award, USTCAF reserves the right to withdraw the award from such a recipient. The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards. If a recipient is found to have serious misconduct, such as forging merit documents or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the recipient, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked recipient will be permanently prohibited from receiving any future AF awards. The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majorities of GB members. Under such circumstances, there may not be awardees for a given year.


AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award if the actions of a recipient violate the spirit of this award.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.


Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.


Add'l info

Not Available


Xiaohua Gong


Xun Li, Dawei Bai

Last Change


RESOLUTION: GBR-201231 Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award


Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award

This is the first amendment to GBR-2004012 (Guidelines for the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award) in response to the need to improve the coverage of the USTCAF Teaching Excellence Award (TEA).

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)


To recognize members of the USTC faculty dedicated to teaching, and to increase the awareness of the importance of fundamental courses teaching at USTC.


The Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) is awarded annually to up to five (5) qualified members of the USTC faculty, each with a total cash amount of RMB 10,000, depending on the credentials of candidates and the availability of funds. Applications of no less than six (6) candidates are submitted by USTC to USTCAF at least one month before the start of a new academic year. The GB first makes a preliminary decision on winners of this award and notifies USTC, then amends this preliminary decision if necessary based on the feedback from USTC. The GB announces the recipients at the beginning of a new academic year. The award is given out in one installment.


To qualify for the TEA, a candidate MUST fulfill all requirements as listed below:

(a) Be an active member of the USTC faculty at the HEFEI campus,
(b) Be nominated by USTC based on achievements in teaching (especially the teaching of undergraduate fundamental courses), and recognition among USTC students, 
(c) Has served on USTC faculty for at least 5 years,
(d) Has taught at least one fundamental course each school year in the past three (3) school years,
(e) Maintains on the USTC faculty during the academic year when receiving the award.

The application to TEA must include:
(a) A listing of courses taught by the applicant within the last 3 years with the dates of the teaching,
(b) A curriculum vitae,
(c) Other supplemental materials that the applicant deems helpful in his/her application. For example, any text books the candidate has published.


It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the responsibility of USTC to submit the list of candidates and
their applications to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions. It is the responsibility of USTC to verify the information provided in the applications including the letters of recommendations. It is the responsibility of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative is not able to be on site. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates and faculty members/students. AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with its above-mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the
right to reject any candidate based on its best judgments.


This award is intended to recognize USTC faculty members who are dedicated to teaching at USTC, and to promote the excellence of USTC. If the recipient terminates his/her association with USTC for any reason during the academic year of the award, USTCAF reserves the right to withdraw the award from such a recipient. The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards. If a recipient is found to have serious misconduct, such as forging merit documents or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the recipient, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked recipient will be permanently banned from receiving any future AF awards. The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majorities of GB members.


AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award if the actions of a recipient violate the
spirit of this award.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.


Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info

Xiaohua Gong

Xun Li, Dawei Bai

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-201229 Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Faculty Awards




Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Faculty Awards



This is the fifth amendment to GBR-2000-7-3 (Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award) and the direct revision to GBR-2006019 (Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award) in response to the need to improve the operability and coverage of the USTCAF Young Faculty Career Award (YFCA).

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)


To support promising young faculty members in their early career development at USTC.


The Young Faculty Career Award (YFCA) is awarded annually to up to eight (8) qualified member(s) of the USTC faculty, each with a total cash amount of RMB 10,000, depending on the credentials of candidates and the availability of funds. Applications of no more than ten (10) candidates shall be submitted by USTC to USTCAF at least one month before the start of a new academic year. The GB first makes a preliminary selection of recipients and notifies USTC, then modifies this preliminary selection if necessary based on the feedback from USTC and makes the final decision on recipients. The GB announces the recipients at the beginning of a new academic year. The award is given out in one installment.


To qualify for the YFCA, a candidate MUST fulfill all the requirements as listed below:

(a) Be an active member of the USTC faculty at the HEFEI campus,

(b) Be nominated by USTC based on promises in research,

(c) Be a Ph.D. holder from an accredited Chinese or international institution,

(d) Be of 40 years old or younger,

(e) Be an Associate Professor or Professor at USTC,

(f) Joined USTC faculty within the last 5 years,

(g) Has not previously received YFCA or Young Faculty Achievement Award (YFAA)-,

(h) Has submitted all the application materials (see below), and

(i) Maintains on the USTC faculty during the academic year when receiving the award.


The application for YFCA must include:

(a) One page essay stating the applicant's career aspirations at USTC, and how your work and service contributed/will contribute to USTC significantly in the past and in the future,

(b) A curriculum vitae,

(c) A list of four references with at least two references from outside USTC, and

(d) Other supplemental materials that the applicant deems helpful in his/her application.



It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates.  It is the responsibility of USTC to submit the list of candidates and their applications to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions.  It is the responsibility of USTC to verify the information provided in the applications including the letters of recommendations.  It is the responsibility of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative is not present on site. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination.  AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates and faculty members/students.  AF is not liable for any disputes due to failure of USTC to comply with the above-mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to reject any candidate based on its best judgments.


This award is intended to support promising young faculty members in their early career development at USTC and promote the excellence of USTC.  If the recipient terminates his/her association with USTC for any reason during the academic year of the award, USTCAF reserves the right to withdraw the award from such a recipient.  The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards.  If a recipient is found to have serious misconduct, such as forging merit documents or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the recipient, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable.  The revoked recipient will be permanently prohibited from receiving any future AF awards.  The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majorities of GB members.  Under such circumstances, there may not be awardees for a given year.


AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award.  AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award if the actions of a recipient violate the spirit of this award.


Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article.  The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final.  AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.


Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info

Not Available


Xiaohua Gong


Xun Li, Dawei Bai

Last Change
