Introduction to Sub Funds

The AF allows the special designation of incoming donations under the various "sub fund" label, each sub fund can have a manager, who can direct the usage of donations made under its name, subject to a number of AF rules.

Over the years, the AF has accumulated over 200 sub funds, many active in all of our various award programs. The detailed information about each sub fund is available to all of our members in our web-based accounting system, including:

  • Fund Balances (current, previous year)
  • Fund Activities (pledges, donations, and awards)

The various sub funds are set up for various purposes, such as:

  • Classmates getting together to support future students in the same department, such as "812 fund" or "Future Chemist Fund".
  • Goodwill funds, supporting economically challenged students and cover their living expenses for all 4 years.
  • Memorial Funds, set up for future scholarships in the names of certain unexpectedly deceased alumni

If you are interested in setting up a sub fund for a certain purpose, please let us know and we'll be happy to discuss with you about the process. The AF does not charge any fees for managing sub funds, all donations go to award/scholarship recipients.

To access the web-based accounting system, you need to be a member and apply for an account along the way, if you follow the on-screen instructions. If you run into any problem, please be sure to contact us.

More information about sub funds can be found in our Sub Fund FAQ page.

November Honor Roll (2010)

Microsoft Corporation
DAI Hui 戴晖 
ZHONG Songdong
JIANG Xiong 江雄 
DENG Yunbo 邓云波 
XIA Yue 夏悦 
CHEN Xin 陈昕 
LI Xiaobin
LIANG Senlin 梁森林 
XI Yue 席悦 
HOU Tingbo 侯庭波 
HOU Tingbo 侯庭波 
CHEN Ti 陈倜 
CHEN Ming 陈明 
LIU Yang 刘洋 
HO Huddee 何堤 
GONG Xiaohua 龚晓华 
WU Song 吴松 
YANG Jie 杨洁 
LU Lu 陆露 
CAI Jingsong Jack 蔡劲松 
HUANG Pengjun 黄鹏俊 
ZHONG Weiqing
PAN Chanjuan 潘婵娟 
CUI Guangming 崔光明 
TANG Aimin 唐爱民 
KE Ailong 可爱龙 
YAO Guang 姚广 
ZHANG Shangyou 张上游 
DIAO Jiedong 刁杰东 
WAN Zhendong
BAN Xiaomeng 班小猛 
SU Yuanpeng
PAN Cheng
CHEN Lin 陈琳 
LI Cheng 李成 
CHE Congcong 车丛丛 
SHI Hui 施慧 
JIN Guoliang 金国良 
DAI Zhou 戴周 
CAI Xiang 蔡翔 
HE Fei
ZHANG Yidong
LI Lei 李雷 
ZHANG Qingxing 张庆星 
DONG Fang 董方 
XU Chicheng 徐赤诚 
WU Tianyuan
CHEN Min 陈民 
XU Chicheng 徐赤诚 
XU Chicheng 徐赤诚 
ZHU Linhong 朱琳竑 
LI Xiaolong 李小龙 
WANG Yanqian
ZHANG Yi 张奕 
LU Qinqin
XU Chicheng 徐赤诚 
FU Maxine
DAI Hui 戴晖 
LU Jijun & YANG Fangyun 卢继军&杨芳云 
JIANG Xiaowei
CHEN Kuang Qing 况青 
HAN Siyuan 韩思远 
WAN Zhimin 万志民 
CAO Menghui 曹梦珲 
SHEN Shaoping 沈少坪

Notice to Staff

Notice to AF staff, 12/4/2010: the "logon" screen was moved away from the home page, and to the About Us section.

GB2010 First Announcement



自1995年6月由多位热情的科大校友发起创办以来,中国科大校友基金会(USTC Alumni Foundation或USTCAF,下文简作基金会)已经走过了15年,发展成为一个拥有多类多个专款专用、运作灵活方便的子基金(Subfund),得到校友广泛信赖的回馈科大的门户基金。在基金会的成长过程中,它得到了众多校友、会员的帮助和支持:这既有历届理事会(Governing Board)成员为此义务付出的心力和创意以及花费的宝贵时间;也有多年来义务承担了俾使基金会能长期稳定运行的大量后台事务和帮助基金会有效连接校友的推广宣传事务的志愿者们;当然更有广大热心会员朋友们的慷慨解囊、热情捐赠。这一切的聚合使得基金会实现了一步一步的成长,取得了巨大的成绩 — 实现了接受超过六千两百多人次的捐赠,累积捐赠额超过两百二十九万美元,累计发放近一千笔,约合一百五十万美元的各类奖金或资助(主要包括面向科大在校学生的奖学金和助学金,面向科大老师的教学科研奖,以及一些帮助科大校友纾难解困的特别基金)。而至今累计的基金会运行和筹款的花费比例(Operational and Fund Raising Cost Ratio)仅是区区的0.6%,约合一万美元左右。

Message from the Chair


大家好!我是白大伟(814/8110 近代物理/自动化),科大校友基金会2010届理事会新任主席。

本届理事会认知在过去一段时间里围绕着基金会发生了一些争执。我们和各位校友一样,对基金会的成长非常关心。所以我们加入这届理事会, 希望能通过我们的工作,来结束争执,厘清争议。这也是最近我们发表的第一份通告的真意。在没有了解所有情况的时候,我们暂不做更多的 回应。


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