2010 - December Honor Roll

MAO Runsheng 
ZHANG Pengfei & Wang Hui 张鹏飞&王慧 
SHI Feng 石峰 
WANG Daohong,RONG Yan 王道宏,荣燕 
WANG Ying 
YAN Qin 严钦 
GONG Zhijun 龚志军 
SHE Min 佘敏 
WANG Cuihuan 王翠焕 

2011 February Honor Role

WU Tom 吴志东 
Jian Tan 谭剑   
HUANG Senhua 黄森华    
WANG Kefei     
LI Zhi 李智     

Governing Board Proposes to Amend the Bylaws

December 29, 2010 - The Governing Board (GB) of the USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) today announces the proposed amendments of its bylaws. The proposed changes and the reasons for making such changes are enclosed in the following attachment. The proposed voting time for the amendments is between January 5th and 7th. We welcome feedback and suggestions from the membership and alumni community, the email address for this term of the GB is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


我们欢迎各位的意见和建议,并将努力及时回应。来函请寄往 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



PDF File: Proposed Bylaws Amendments


For those of you who have sent in your comments, the GB is compiling all the responses in the Q and A page.






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