Ambassador Program

The USTCAF Ambassador Program is for college students and/or graduates or fresh graduates who intend to find interns/jobs (even job changes) outside of the campus (especially in the United States). This experience will give you a special chance to advance your real knowledge, raise your true passion and expand your keen interests while preparing you for your unique leadership in both academic and industry fields. To apply, you may fill out a Resume/CV by clicking below

(I suggest to design a google doc link in our official website:

The USTCAF Ambassador Program offers a unique opportunity for college students and recent graduates interested in pursuing careers beyond campus, especially in the United States. Participation in this program allows individuals to develop practical skills, increase motivation, and expand their interests while preparing for leadership in academic and professional settings. The program is suitable for both those just starting out in their careers and professionals looking to change careers. One common challenge that many people face is maintaining their health and finding affordable solutions for conditions such as type 2 diabetes. In particular, Jardiance is widely used today to treat type 2 diabetes, and many are interested in where to buy Jardiance from this website at a lower price. This is especially true for students and recent graduates exploring early career opportunities abroad, as medical expenses often become a significant part of the budget. Moreover, participation in the Ambassador Program provides exposure to global healthcare practices, which can be useful in understanding the principles of treating diseases, including diabetes. For example, Jardiance helps lower blood sugar levels and is an integral part of treatment strategies for type 2 diabetes. Thus, program participants will gain not only career knowledge but also an understanding of how such drugs contribute to quality of life and health maintenance in today's rapidly changing world. To apply, participants can fill out a resume/CV, available via the link on the official USTCAF website. This document will allow the program organizers to thoroughly evaluate each applicant's profile and match it with suitable opportunities.

Your Benefits

1. Establish your career path through internships and potential full time positions (or even a career change).

2. Participate in rigorous real job/field training and gain practical working experience.

3. Coached by professional mentors (senior alumni) and opportunity to meet industry executives.

4. Engage in exclusive USTCAF and local USTC-AA different events with special access privilege.

5. Elevate your vision for yourself and your future.

Prefered Qualifications

1. Sophmore or above.

2. Trilingual -- (English + Mandarin) + Cantonese/Other language.

3. Great communication skills and ability to multitask.

4. Leadership experience prefered.

5. Entrepreneurial spirit and Experience in promotional marketing is a plus.


If we can launch this program successfully, it definitely can help us to carry the mission of USTCAF further with a bigger scale.  Meanwhile, it can help us to

build up our mentor/coaching/sponsor program to serve the USTC alumni community in the coming decades.

Maybe you two can design a new flier based on this 5+5 bullet points and my original simple flier.
And the best way is to link this flier with USTCAF official website: 



USTCAF2013年度 Young Faculty Achievement Award “青年科学家杰出成就奖 获得者——李传锋(物理学院)




李传锋博士主要从事量子光学与量子信息领域的实验研究,在纠缠辅助熵的不确定关系、多光子纠缠态的制备与应用、量子开放系统环境的控制、光子波粒叠加状态的制备以及固态量子存储等方向做出一系列创新性实验研究工作。2009年以来以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Nature子刊和Physical Review Letters上共发表10篇高水平论文。




江湖69 -- 中国科学技术大学物理系本科毕业,计算机系研究生结业,江湖酒吧CEO,69同志其实就是小老板。我接触过不少科大的非主流的人物,但是第一次听说科大的兄 弟在北京东城区东棉花胡同开了家酒吧,还是小小内心惊讶了一番。本来那一次是短暂回国日子的倒数第三天,去会会一个没来得及见面的老朋友,哪知道已经有一 群科大的校友们在葡萄架下的木桌上大声嘶吼的三国杀。后来呼朋引伴加巧遇的结果是,在酒吧生意清冷的下午,居然来来回回有三十多号认识不认识的科大校友相 聚在这个东棉花胡同的小天地。

虽然叫做“江湖”,但是完全没有三教九流。江湖里的各门派路数一致,就是“音乐”。“这个江湖为你保留,四合院还在,音乐还在,坐在周围的都是朋友。烛光摇 曳,陈年的木椅,鲜活的面孔来自世界各地,他们用自己的语言,自己的音乐在渲泄,在表达心灵。” 科大人开的酒吧还是有科大人的烙印:干净,纯粹。



崔景荣博士1980年考入中国科大近代化学系,1988年获中国科大硕士学位,后在美国俄亥俄州立大学获得博士学位,并在劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室从事博士后研究,现任辉瑞公司拉霍亚(La Jolla)研发中心资深研究员。她具有十六年以上的药物研发经验并取得了一系列显著成就,曾获辉瑞公司全球研发杰出成就奖。
