Message from the Chair


大家好!我是白大伟(814/8110 近代物理/自动化),科大校友基金会2010届理事会新任主席。

本届理事会认知在过去一段时间里围绕着基金会发生了一些争执。我们和各位校友一样,对基金会的成长非常关心。所以我们加入这届理事会, 希望能通过我们的工作,来结束争执,厘清争议。这也是最近我们发表的第一份通告的真意。在没有了解所有情况的时候,我们暂不做更多的 回应。


Latest Honor Roll

Jan-Dec 2021

anonym 41
anonym 42
Bright Fund
Chang Wang 王菖
CHEN Baowei 陈保伟
CHEN Longbin 陈龙斌
CHEN Zeyong 陈泽勇
Chong Shen
DAI Hui 戴晖
DENG Bihe 邓必河
Du Junchen 杜俊忱
Fei Liu Overney 刘绯
GAN Jinping 甘进平
GUAN Huapeng 管华鹏
Guangfu Shao 邵光富
Guangxing Li 李广兴
Guannan Dong 董冠男
Guoquan Chen 陈国权
haihong sun 孙海洪
HAN Jining 韩继宁
HU Rongxiang 胡荣湘
HU Yatao 胡亚涛
HUANG Ping 黄平
HUANG Yanan 黄亚楠
HUANG Zhongqiang 黄忠强
James Liu 刘君哲
Jason J. Wen 温俊山
JIANG Fan 江帆
JIANG Jianzhong
Jie Zhang 张捷
Jingxin Ye 叶景鑫
Jinxuan Qu 曲津萱
Johnson and Johnson
Lan Deng
LI Yunrui 李运睿
Liling Gu 顾理玲
LIN Xintian 林新天
LIU Chang
Liu Hong
Liu Xiang
LIU Zongyang
Lu Kunxiong 卢坤雄
LUO Jiafu 骆稼夫
LUO Yanping & CHEN Xian 罗晏平&陈贤
Mr Duncan 邓宇翔
PEI Liming 裴黎明
PENG Yanlin
SHE Min 佘敏
Shi Minghui 施明慧
Shihong Chi Chi
SU Riqi 苏日启
SU Yongjun 苏永军
TAN, Xuehuan
Tingjun Yang
WAN Zhendong
wang joy wang jieyu
Wang Xinming
WANG Yanhui 王雁晖
Wei Wang 王卫
Weikeng Chen 陈炜铿
Weilong You 尤伟龙
Wind river 风和
WU Jianbing
WU Yudong, YU Tianning 吴宇栋, 俞天宁
Wynne WANG 王跃
Xi Lin 林曦
Xiao Fang xiaofang
XIAO Qiang 肖强
XIAO Qingjun 萧庆军
Xiaoge Su
Xin Gan 甘辛
Xin Li via Falecie Family Foundation 李昕
Xinyu Shen 沈欣宇
XU Beisi 徐贝思
YANG Sha 杨沙
Yang ZENG 曾旸
Yaqin Li 李亚秦
Yingying Zeng 曾莹滢
Yiyan Chen 陈贻研
Yu Zheng 郑羽
Yue Huang 黄玥
Zaiyao Fei 费再瑶
ZHANG Bing 张兵
ZHAO Jun 赵军
ZHAO Zhengang 赵振刚
Zhenchen Hong 洪振尘
Zhenguang Huang
Zhijun Xu 徐志军
ZHU Jun 祝均


Become a Goodwill Sponsor

If you (or with your classmates together) are willing to sponsor a student, here is the step by step instruction:

2010 - October Honor Roll

CHEN Yiming 陈一鸣
JIE Min 揭敏
YUAN Peng 袁鹏
WU Youjin 吴有金
LI Wendong 李文东
ZANG Zhihong 臧智宏
ZHU Yuxin 朱育新
XIE Bingpeng 颉秉鹏
LIAO Jianhui 廖建辉
CHEN Dapang

How to Make a Donation


For the impatient: Start Now!


USD Donations

  1. Start with the pledge form;
  2. Tell us your name, email, how much to donate, subfund, etc, so that we can process your donation more effectively;
  3. After the pledge form, you will be guided to the donation page, and you can use whatever works best for you:
    • Mail a check to USTCAF (preferred for large donations to avoid transaction fees):

    University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation
    5255 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 121
    Santa Clara, CA 95051

    • Donate through a credit card, paypal etc;

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