2013 Mar-Apr Honor Roll

WANG Wei 王卫


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

TANG Xiaoping

ZHANG Bing 张兵

LI Jingyu 李静宇

Network For Good

GU Xiaoming 谷晓铭

WANG Jiming 王吉明

MAO Jianwen & Lorna Mao 毛健文&赵炉

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Alliance Bernstein

YING Linghang 应凌航

CHEN Dapang

Cui Jingrong 崔景荣


Honor Roll: Jan-Feb 2013

ZHANG Shangyou 张上游

DENG Yaobing 邓要兵

YAN Li 严立

HU Bin 呼斌

TANG Xinan 唐锡南

Wells Fargo

SHE Min 佘敏

XU Ning 徐宁

Unitedway NYC

WEN Pingshan 温平山

CHEN Zeyong 陈泽勇

Automated Data Process Inc

Jack Cai

WEN Haidan 文海丹

Guanghua Gao

YANG Hong Lorrie 杨红


WANG Jian-guo 王建国

WU Jianbing



Honor Roll: Nov-Dec 2012


Zhou Yulong

GAN Jinping 甘进平

ZENG Fan-Gang 曾凡钢

CAI Gao MA Xiaosong

Chevron Matching Gift Program

WANG Daohong,RONG Yan 王道宏,荣燕

LIN Yong 林泳

QIAN Shuo 钱朔


JIANG Jiandong 姜建东

Wang Zhongmin 王忠民

XIONG Feng 熊峰

HU Rongxiang 胡荣湘

XIE Jianfeng 谢剑峰

JIANG Jianzhong

WANG Cuihuan 王翠焕

HU Ping 胡平

CHEN Dapang

Luo, Tong 罗彤

Lin Liu

ZHAO Yiqiong & HAN Xinhai 赵逸琼 & 韩新海

Dai Zhao 赵岱



PENG Xingdong

DING Yu 丁宇

Ding Pan

DU Keqiang 杜克强

ZHOU Shengli 周胜利

WANG Yanhui 王雁晖


SU Yongjun 苏永军


JIANG Xiong 江雄

Haitao Song 宋海涛

YANG Hong Lorrie 杨红

CHEN Guodong

ZHONG Songdong

QIN Fuhao 秦福浩


WANG shiyan 王世彦

Honor Roll: Sep-Oct 2012

LI Xiaolong 李小龙

XIAO Jianguo 肖建国

CAI Jingsong Jack 蔡劲松

SHENG Yongning 盛永宁

LI Yunrui 李运睿

HUANG Pengjun 黄鹏俊

Wang Yanqian


LING Yanchun 凌妍淳

Jundong Zhang 张峻栋

ZHANG Lin 张林

TANG Aimin 唐爱民

WU Dan 吴丹

TAO Xin 陶鑫

YUAN Xu 袁旭

LI Peng 李蓬

YING Linghang 应凌航

ZHAO Hong 赵红

SHEN Jiandong 沈建东

LI Lei

WU Changxun 吴昌勋

Chuntian Cao 曹春田

LI Jinyu 李金宇

CHI Yinxin

Wang Shuanhu

Peng Xing 彭兴

WU Jianbing





  • 本次选举的投票时间为美东时间2012年11月1号零时零分开始,美东时间2012年11月14号23时59分截止。
  • 您通过电子邮件发送的选票的时间戳(time stamp)是我们判定您的投票是否在上文提及的时间区间以内的唯一标准。其它的判定合格选票的规定请参见理事会2011版章程(章程全文见http://www.ustcaf.org/en/about-us/governance/bylaws/157-bylaws-2011,选举相关的条文见于III-4)。
  • 在本次选举中,共有十三个理事会席位开放供选举产生。其中按得票数从高到低,前十位当选理事的任期为两年,余者任期一年。详细规定见于2011版章程的III-4-p 条文。 × 本次选举,候选人的提名(可以自我提名,也可以提名他人)的截止日期是美东时间2012年10月24号(含)。以提名邮件的时间戳为准。随后我们将核查候选资格,并将在选票邮件内公布完整名单供投票。



理事候选资格的认定(见于 2011 版章程 III-4-k条文):

  1. 候选人必须在2012年10月1号之前的180天以内维持校友基金会的会员资格(也即从2012年4月4号起就必须保有和维持有效的会员资格);
  2. 如果当选,候选人必须在未来的预计任期以内维持会员资格的连续有效性。
  3. 候选人不可以是中国科大目前的在校学生或在职雇员。
  4. 候选人在预期的校友基金会理事任期之内,不能代表校友基金会以外的实体(例如中国科大校方或其它科大校友的组织)来处理或参与校友基金会的事务。
  5. 候选人必须拥有一个有效的电子邮件地址。

如果您有意参选2012届理事会或愿意推荐他人,请不迟于10月24日(含)提交一份候选人的简短的经历,候选人声明以及联系方式。请发送邮件至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 同时 cc给 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。这里(http://www.ustcaf.org/en/news/latest-news/165-ustcaf-election-2011-candidates) 有过往的参选声明可供参考。




龚晓华 (9108) 暨2011届理事会


Dear USTCAF members:

Thank you for your support for the past year. As a member of the USTC AF, a non-profit organization registered in the state of Delaware, you elect our board of directors, which manages the organization on behalf of the members.

It is the time to elect a new Governing Board of USTCAF (GB2012). You are cordially encouraged to run for a directorship at the Governing Board or to cast your votes during the election.


  • The Voting period of Election 2012 will begin at 12:01AM on November 1, 2012 and end at 11:59PM on November 14, 2012, both in US Eastern Time (in which time district USTCAF is registered).
  • The time stamp of your email ballot will be the only criteria to decide whether your ballot is within or outside the voting period.
  • The Article III-4-p of USTCAF Bylaws 2011 (http://www.ustcaf.org/en/about-us/governance/bylaws/157-bylaws-2011) governs that there are in total thirteen (13) seats open for Election 2012 and up to ten (10) newly elected directors with the most for-votes will get two-year term while the rest one-year term.
  • The deadline for nomination (including self-nomination or nomination of other candidates) is October 24, 2012, US Eastern Time. The time stamp of the nomination email will be checked before we process the contents of nomination.


  • Any valid USTCAF members on the date of October 1, 2012 will have the right to vote during Election 2012.
  • For details on the USTCAF membership rules, please refer to articles in Bylaws 2011 III-5.
  • Please inquire us if you are not sure whether you would have right of vote.

Governing Board CANDIDACY QUALIFICATIONS (per Article III-4-k of Bylaws 2011):

  1. The candidate must have been a member of USTCAF for 180 days or more from the date of October 1, 2012;
  2. The candidate must maintain a valid membership status during the whole duration of his/her expected GB term if elected;
  3. The candidate shall not be a current student or employee of USTC;
  4. The candidate shall not, on behalf of entities other than USTCAF, handle or expect to handle USTCAF’s matters during the expected GB term;
  5. The candidate must have electronic mail access;

If you want to run for a seat in GB2012 or want to nominate another person, Please submit a brief biography, a candidacy statement, and the contact information of the nominee(s) on or before October 24, 2012, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For sample candidacy statements, please take a look at http://www.ustcaf.org/en/news/latest-news/165-ustcaf-election-2011-candidates

The USTC AF grants regular membership to anyone donating $20 or more in a given year, and lifetime membership to anyone donating $125 or more cumulatively. If you do not wish to receive further communications from us, and/or wish to resign your membership, please let us know.

USTCAF (www.ustcaf.org) has gone through 16 years of continued growth since its foundation in 1995 in the State of Delaware, USA. USTCAF needs your passion and continued support to guide her through the future years, to become a stronger foundation and to continue on its mission of promoting and building a stronger USTC community.

USTCAF needs more people like you, who care about USTC and USTCers’ community, to serve on the board and to carry on AF’s missions.

Best regards,

Xiaohua Gong (9108) On behalf of USTCAF GB2011

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