2016 Jul-Dec Honor Roll


Alice Sun

AN Zhihong 安志红

BAO Liewei 鲍列卫

BAO Ruoyu 鲍若愚

Baorui Ren

CAI Liufei 蔡刘飞

CAI Weijie & LI Li 蔡伟杰,李鲤

Caizhi Xu 徐才志

CAO Youfu 曹友福

CAO Yuqun 曹育群

CHEN Cong 陈聪

CHEN Gang 陈刚

CHEN Jianfa 陈建发

CHEN Weican 陈伟灿

CHEN Xiaodong 陈晓东

CHEN Xionghui 陈雄辉

Chen, Yi

chris chen 陈强

CUI Yujia 崔玉家

CUI Yuwei 崔彧玮

Dai, Tiesheng 戴铁生

DENG Bihe 邓必河

DENG Bin 邓斌

DENG Weiping 邓文平

DING Qian 丁倩

DU Hong

FANG Yihu 方亦胡

GONG Zhijun 龚志军

GU Hao 顾昊

GU Zhengtian, CHEN Wei 顾震天,陈伟

Guangxing Li 李广兴

HAN Yun 韩耘

Haolu Feng 冯浩旅

HU Jiankun HU Jiankun

HU John

HU Qingzhong

HU Rongxiang 胡荣湘

Huang Elaine

HUANG Hui 黄徽

HUANG Zhongqiang 黄忠强

Jack Yang 杨竞霜

JIAN Hongmei Kevin 简洪梅

JIANG Jiandong 姜建东


Jianhui He 何剑辉

Jibing Lin 林际兵

Jinxuan Qu 曲津萱

KANG Jie 康杰

Kuai Hongyan 蒯宏燕

KUANG Yanjin

Lan Liu 刘岚

LI Cheng 李程

LI Hanyi 李涵一

LI Hongmei 李红梅

LI Hongzhi

LI Jia 李嘉

LI Qing 李晴

LI Wei 李巍

LI Xiaolin 李晓林

Li Xin 李昕

LI Yang, HOU Xiaoyan & ZHAN Zhigang 李阳,侯晓燕,占志刚

LI Yuexia 李月霞

LIANG Shengquan 梁圣泉

LIN Xintian 林新天

Lin, Guang 林广

LIU Chang

Liu Dan 刘丹

LIU Geng 刘庚

LIU Juan 刘娟

LIU Ligon & Yuanfang Liu 许猛

LIU Yu & YANG Fan 刘宇 杨帆

LONG Fei 龙飞

LU Lu 陆露

LUO Haishan 罗海山

LUO Jiafu 骆稼夫

Luo, Tong 罗彤

ma congqiao 马从乔

Ma Lu

Mengjie Ding 丁梦颉

Minjie Dai & Li Nianzhen

MOU Zhijian Alex 牟志坚

PAN Chanjuan

PAN Xiaodong 潘晓东


PEI Liming 裴黎明

PENG liqian 彭立谦

Qun Chen

Ran An 安然

Ren He 何韧


Rong Xinhua 荣新华

SHAO shai

SHE Min 佘敏

SHEN Shaoping 沈少坪

Shuangxing Dai 戴双星

SONG Xiaodong 宋晓东

SU Jing 苏静

SUN Weiqian

SUN Xudong 孙旭东

TAN Xiaogang 谭小刚

TANG Maolong

Tao Huang 黄涛

TAO Long

United Way Silicon Valley

WAN Jing, LU Pengbo 万婧 鹿蓬勃

WAN Yuepeng 万跃鹏


WANG Chunpeng, Yu Jiaming 王春鹏, 于佳名

WANG Jiming 王吉明

Wang Junjie 王骏杰

WANG Lin 王琳


WANG Qinghua

Wang Shuanhu

WANG Yang 汪扬

WANG Yingxue 王映雪

WANG Zhifang 王志芳



Weimin Zhou 周为民

Wenping Cui 崔文平

Wu Huawen

WU Jianbing

WU Peiwen 武培文

WU Qi 吴起

WU Ruoyun 吴若云

Wu Yinan 吴奕楠

Xiaoge Su

XIE Jianfeng 谢剑峰

XIE Lixian 谢立贤

Xin Wang

XU Beisi 徐贝思

XU Chicheng 徐赤诚

XU Hua 徐华


Yang Liu

YANG Yihong 杨义红

YANG Yiruo, YU Tianyue 杨奕若,俞天越

yangyang wang 汪洋洋

Yansonic, LLC

Yaoyao Chen 陈摇摇

Ye Li 李烨

YI Feng

yinan dong 董奕男

Yiyan Chen 陈贻研

YUAN Jun 袁军

Yunzhen Hou

Yunzhi Shi 施韫智

ZENG Xiaoge 曾小鸽

ZHANG Bin 张斌

ZHANG Bosheng 张博升

ZHANG Jie 张杰



ZHANG Xining 张西宁

Zhang Zhizhong

ZHANG Zhongyu 张仲峪

ZHAO Han 赵晗

ZHAO Wei 赵卫


Zhisheng Lin 林志生

ZHOU Jianhui


ZHOU Zhou 周洲

ZHU Yingjie 朱颖洁


依据中国科大校友基金会(USTCAF)章程,AF 2016年度理事选举过程自9月底启动10月公告11月投票并经核查计票历时2个多月,现将选举数据并结果公告如下:





( 250票 )张冬欣 class of 0800

( 247票 )王春鹏 class of 0507

( 249票 )庞华栋 class of 95少/9500

( 252票 )鲍若愚 class of 9400

( 250票 )周为民 class of 0702

( 246票 )周丰伯 class of 0738,

( 246票 )董群峰 class of 9311

( 250票 )王艾伦 class of 1120

( 245票 )欧子豪 class of 1100

( 245票 )钱朔   class of 992








Revision of the USTC AF Bylaws

Dear Members of the USTC AF,

We are writing you this letter to inform you of the project we are undertaking to significantly revise the bylaws of the USTC AF.

In this letter we will present you the historical background, the deficiencies of the bylaws, the problems we have encountered in the past, and the collective recommendation from the current board of directors on what the changes should be. We also would describe the procedural steps we desire to undertake to effect this revision, as well as ways you can get involved in the project and have your voice heard.


The USTC AF was founded in 1995 and incorporated in the State of Delaware in the same year. One of the founding members, Mr. ZHANG, Shangyou, wrote the original bylaws. To the best of our knowledge we did not utilize paid professional help. The bylaws had since gone though a number of revisions over the years, but had largely retained the same format. The current bylaws are available on our web site[1].

While this set of bylaws have supported our organization for more than 20 years. There are a number of obstacles that have been inhibiting factors in promoting our members participation, smooth operation, and overall rate of growth. Major deficiencies include:

1.     Lack of definition of membership

2.     Clarity on the executive structure, and delegation of authorities

3.     Clarity on board elections, as well as decision making process

The rest of this letter will explain these issues in more detail, plus a number of other smaller issues, and makes recommendation on a major revision effort for the bylaws.


The USTC AF board of directors (The “Board”) proposes a simple set of steps below for this project.

1.     Discussion of this issue within the current Board, this has taken place.

2.     Drafting of a document to the membership body (this letter).

3.     Review this letter by all board members, revise with board consensus.

4.     Send out this letter to the membership body, collect feedback and make adjustments.

5.     In parallel to step 3 and 4 above, engage a professional law firm to help drafting the new bylaws according to our desires laid out in this letter.

In terms of the actual bylaws text, our initial consultation with legal professionals had indicated that it is a much preferred approach to start with a clean template of typical non-profit organization, and then customize it to our needs.

In the following sections, we will discuss key aspects of our organization, how they are defined in our current bylaws, and the proposed changes.


The USTC AF is a membership-based organization; the power of the organization ultimately rests with the membership body. The current bylaws defines a procedure whereby anybody making a donation automatically becomes a member (or an annual type or life-time type). This creates problems and confusion when: (1) A donation is made by a husband/wife pair, (2) A donation is made by an organization, and (3) the donor never desired or agreed to become a member.

As such, we believe it is in our best interest to overhaul such a non-traditional membership structure, and use one that is conventional for a non-profit organization. We will give the following instruction to our lawyer:

  • The USTC AF is a membership based organization, power over the organization rests with the membership body.
  • We offer membership on a yearly basis, to be purchased for a fee, or to be granted with a donation, subject to a membership agreement.
  • Membership dues and membership-granting donation levels are to be determined and revised by the board on an ongoing basis.
  • We will also offer “life-time membership” for the sole purpose of continuing such commitment to existing life-time members.


The USTC AF did not have a clear control structure defined, leading to the confusion of: (1) Who can speak for the organization, (2) how can decisions be made, (3) who has what authority? and (4) what authorities are needed to do what kind of work?

Fortunately a typical corporate legal structure (as defined by the State of Delaware) already offers a sound set of operating rules for us. All we need to do is clarifying a few things that are specific for us, and the legal professionals should be able to help us ensure that bylaws are clearly drafted to reflect them. These instructions include:

  • The membership body elects the board of directors, on an annual basis. Each year half of the directors are up for election.
  • The board of directors makes decisions for the organization in a collective manner.
  • The board of directors shall elect a chair-person of the board.
  • The board of directors MAY appoint a “president”, a “treasurer” with all finance responsibilities, and a “secretary” with all legal and compliance responsibilities.
  • The “president” is the Chief Executive of the organization. The “board chair-person” is the president if the board fails to make such an appointment.
  • The Chief Executive of the organization shall have customary authorities comparable to a typical organization, such as those over finances, personnel, communications, etc.

With organizational control structure set above, we would not need the provisions of the various non-conventional control structure in the current bylaws, including executive committees, etc.


Every year we suffer through an election crisis where we only barely make the quorum requirement as defined by the current bylaws. We have been reluctant to lower the quorum requirement because we wanted to ensure that the board does reflect the desires of the membership body. In the mean time, the lack of membership definition and procedures also hampered our ability to know how many members we are representing. In addition, our “election by email” method may not be fully compliant with our current bylaws or state laws. As such, we plan to provide the following instructions to our lawyers:

  • We shall hold regular membership meetings, as required by state law.
  • We shall provide expedient means for members to participate in such meetings, including via electronic means, and/or delegate proxy assignments before hand.
  • The quorum for such membership meetings shall be 25% as currently defined.
  • The election of board of directors shall occur at such meetings.

With election procedures defined clearly as above, we would not need any provisions in the “procedures” and “election” sections of the current bylaws.


We have now finished discussion of the major issues in our current set of bylaws. What follows are a number of additional issues we hope to address in the new set of bylaws.

The current set of bylaws defines a number of things that are typically not the “basic principals” of an organization, such as all the awards we offer. Instead, we believe that a proper set of bylaws should define a clear scope of our operations, so that everyone knows clearly what we can do, and what we can not. Many times we have been requested to provide tax-deductible disaster relief, we hope the new bylaws will clearly define the criteria for requests such as these, in principle. As such, the directions we plan to give are the following:

  • The USTC AF, as an alumni foundation, defines its mission as: (1) To promote the academic and professional excellence of USTC students, faculty, and alumni; and (2) to promote the academic and cultural exchange between USTC and outside entities.
  • The USTC AF is a 501-c-3 charitable non-profit organization as approved by the IRS, in the area of promoting education. As such, The USTC AF shall not carry out any activity or operation that is outside its mission, in conflict with its own IRS 501-c-3 filings, or against relevant federal and state laws.


There are a number of sections and provisions in our current bylaws that are inadequately defined and/or observed in our regular operations. Our suggestion today is to remove them from our bylaws. This should not change anything we do, we should write up separate resolutions to guide our operations in these areas. There are many existing resolutions that do so already. These provisions include:

  • Fund Raising Campaign Guidelines
  • Expenditure Guidelines
  • Guideline for Private Scholarships
  • Guideline for Regional Subcommittees.


We’ve outlined our plan to significantly revise our bylaws. While this is a major step in evolution in the maturing process of our organization, it is nevertheless not due to any major changes we want to make to the organization, or any major project the board foresees in the near future that the current bylaws prohibits. The sole reason for the revision is to bring our bylaws from a home-made format to a professionally designed format, in order to facilitate our growth and prosperity in the next 20 years.

As a membership based organization, we represent your interest. Please let us know if you have any objection to our organization adopting such a new set of bylaws, and/or if you have any suggestions for the board.

Please feel free mail to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


USTC AF Board of Directors

2016 Jan-Jun Honor Roll

BAO Yi 鲍弋
BI Xintao 毕鑫涛
CAI Ang 蔡昂
CAI Jingsong Jack 蔡劲松
CAI Qing 蔡清
CHEN Jianfa 陈建发
CHEN Jiatong 陈嘉桐
CHEN Shawn
CHEN Sheng 陈胜
CHEN Yihao 陈一昊
Cybergrant Chinese Name
david ding Shaowei Ding
Dong Wushi 董悟时
Dou Jianwen 窦剑文
DUN Zhiling 顿志凌
GE Zhuozhi 葛卓之
General Re Services Corp
Han Le 韩乐
HU Jingzhu
HUANG Xianglei, HAN Shun 黄象磊,韩顺
HUANG Yuexin 黄月新
Huang, Xuefei 黄雪飞
JIN Peiran 金沛然
JIN Zhenghe 金正和
KE Lei
LAO Debang
LAO Yuyang 老宇扬
LI Dongsheng 李东升
LI Jia 李嘉
LI Jiqin 李佶芩
LI Peng 李蓬
LI Yunrui 李运睿
Liang Jingcheng 梁景程
LIN Jingjing 林静静
Liu Yi 刘艺
LIU Zongyang
Liying Qin 覃丽莹
LUO Binbin 罗斌斌
Ma Lu
Ma Yaping 马亚平
Mei Wangsheng 梅汪生
MIAO Bingjie 苗炳杰
Network For Good
Niu Lei 牛磊
Ou Zihao 欧子豪
QIAN Shuo 钱朔
REN Yafei 任亚飞
SHEN Wenbo 沈文博
SHI Yu 时宇
Shuangxing Dai 戴双星
SONG Duo 宋铎
SU Yongjun 苏永军
SUN Bosong 孙伯松
Sun Yiwei 孙轶玮
SUN Zhiyuan 孙志远
WANG Ailun 王艾伦
WANG Chuan 王川
WANG Jinsong/FANG Kun 王劲松/方鲲
wang li 王历
WANG Liaoyuan 王燎原
WANG Qiang
WANG Wudi 王武翟
WANG Xi 王茜
WANG Yuxiao
WEI Ruoqiao 卫若乔
WEI Xiaolei
Weimin Zhou
WU Jinhui 吴金荟
Wu Kun
WU Qikai 吴祺恺
WU Xiaochuan 吴啸川
XIAO Qiang 肖强
XIAO Xun 肖逊
XIE Jianfeng 谢剑峰
XIE Xiaoyi 谢晓宜
XIONG Shan 熊珊
XU Chaoqiang 徐超强
XU Chicheng 徐赤诚
XU Zhilei 徐智磊
Yao Pu 蒲瑶
YE Jian 叶建
YE Meng 叶萌
ZHANG Dongxin 张冬欣
ZHANG Peng 张鹏
ZHANG Ruixing 张瑞星
ZHANG Xiaoou 张晓讴
ZHANG Yue 张悦
ZHANG Yunsong 张赟松
ZHAO Chuan 赵川
ZHAO Han 赵晗
ZHAO Yao 赵耀
Zheng Mingzhu
ZHOU Fengbo 周丰伯
ZHOU Kuan 周宽
ZHOU Xiaoqing 周小清
ZHU Hui 朱慧
ZHU Zhongwei 祝中伟


8月10日,中国科大校友基金会(USTC Alumni Foundation)理事会全票通过议案,设立首席战略官职务(Chief Strategy Officer,无薪志愿者)赵晗(0700/0704)将出任此职,全权主持基金会的中长期战略规划与执行,并协调基金会财务、校友关系、企业关系、秘书处等职能部门的工作。此前,他曾担任中国科大校友基金会15届理事会主席、14届理事,以及校友关系总裁、企业关系总裁与助理财务长。


赵晗于2007年由郑州一中考入中国科大00班,2011年毕业于少年班学院粒子物理专业,本科导师为赵政国院士;今年6月,他通过博士论文答辩,即将获得伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)凝聚态物理博士学位,其导师是美国物理学会当选主席、美国科学促进会董事Laura Greene教授(美国科学院院士、人文与科学院院士)。






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