RESOLUTION: GBR-2003007 USTCAF Special Fund Guidelines (Version 3)


USTCAF Special Fund Guidelines (Version 3)


+ USTCAF Special Fund Guidelines (Version 3)+


0. Aim and purpose

University of Science and Technology Alumni Foundation (USTCAF)
allows and accepts the establishment of special fund in its operation
structure. The special fund is designed to attract donations to
serve special purposes, such as scholarships or fellowships.

The particular award supported by the special fund will be named by the
special fund organizers and must be approved by the AF board. In general,
such awards must also carry USTCAF name.  USTCAF will consult special
fund organizers on the usage of the special fund beyond its original

This document supersedes AF GB resolution GBR-1998-8-2.

1. Special fund organizers

Each special fund has to be assigned at least one designated organizer
determined by the consensus of donors of the special fund. Special fund
organizers will work out an agreement with USTC Governing Board
(USTCAF GB, or GB) on the usage and management of the special fund
within the frame of USTCAF Special Fund Guidelines stated in this

Special fund organizers have the rights to monitor the operation and
management of the special fund. Special fund organizers reserve the
rights to suggest usage of the special fund beyond its original scope.

It is the responsibility of special fund organizers to collect
donations to sustain the level of the special fund. The balance and
usages of special funds are reported by GB and displayed on the Web.
The report will contain balance, interests, and all relevant financial

2. Management Fee

There is no management fee for any special fund.

The operation costs of AF are distributed to the general fund
and all special funds, including those specified in Section (4),
proportionally according to the balances at the time such costs

3. Fund management

There is no special management for special funds except the
exemption specified in Section (4).  Special funds are invested
together with the general fund under the GB  resolution on
investment guidelines.

All investment gains and losses are distributed to the general
fund and special funds proportionally according to the balances
at the time.

4. Cash only special funds and independently managed funds

(A) Some special fund may keep all its balance in cash, as
typically such a special fund would be used within one year after
being raised. This would avoid market volatility of short term
investment. The fund will be kept in AF no-interest free
checking account. The fund is not subject to distribution
of gain or loss of AF investment.  The termination of cash
only status requires one year of time since the special fund
manager informs GB.

(B) A special fund may request to have its own investment plan
if its balance is either higher than $20,000 or above 1/10 of
AF total.  Such request needs to be accompanied by a 5-year
investment plan, to be approved by GB, and to be effective after
3 months.  The termination of the special investment status
requires one year of time since the special fund manager
informs GB.

5. Rights of special fund donors

The donors to special funds are considered as AF members based on AF
guidelines and are subject to AF rulings. The donors of special funds have
equal voting rights as donors to the general fund. The donors of special
funds are eligible for AF benefits.

6. Bill of Conflicts

Special funds are part of AF's property. Usage of special fund beyond
its original scope has to be initiated by special fund organizers and
approved by GB.

However, if there is a conflict of interests, organizers of special fund can
protest in various means, including send messages to AF's mailing list.
But the decisions by GB on the operation of any funds which are parts of
AF's property, including special funds, are final. AF bears no legal
obligations to special fund organizers, special fund organizers can not sue
AF on any matter.

7. Exemptions

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article concerning a
special fund will have to be approved by 2/3 GB members. The Executive
Committee (including Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary) have the final
veto rights to overturn such exemptions.

Add'l info
The resolution on subfund was passed in 1999.  When I implemented in in
late 2000 and early 2001,  we found a lot of problems with it.  Some
basic problems:

1. Not covering investment loss
2. Not sure about fund raising and operation cost -- much bigger than
that GB thought
3. Some hidden scholarship(I will explain it below)

Original concern is that with each departmental subfund setting up,
nobody would donate to the general fund.  So it was set up orginally
that a subfund must give a percentage to the general fund.  By 1999,
to encourage subfunds,  a new resolution was set up, which waives the
initial overhead -- which is not applied to 875 fund.

See details changes of this revision below:
(0) Aim and purpose

University of Science and Technology Alumni Foundation (USTCAF)
allows and accepts the establishment of special fund in its operation
structure. The special fund is designed to attract donations to
serve special purposes, such as scholarships or fellowships.

The particular award supported by the special fund will be named by the
special fund organizers and must be approved by the AF board. In general,
such awards must also carry USTCAF name.  USTCAF will consult special
fund organizers on the usage of the special fund beyond its original

** New:        and must be approved by the board. In general,
** New:  such awards must also carry USTCAF name.

Note: This document supersedes AF GB resolution GBR-1998-8-2.

(1) Special fund organizers

Each special fund has to be assigned at least one designated organizer
determined by the consensus of donors of the special fund. Special fund
organizers will work out an agreement with USTC Governing Board
(USTCAF GB, or GB) on the usage and management of the special fund
within the frame of USTCAF Special Fund Guidelines stated in this

Special fund organizers have the rights to monitor the operation and
management of the special fund. Special fund organizers reserve the
rights to suggest usage of the special fund beyond its original scope.

It is the responsibility of special fund organizers to collect
donations to sustain the level of the special fund. The balance and
usages of special funds are reported by GB and displayed on the Web.
The report will contain balance, interests, and all relevant financial

New: ** by GB and displayed on the Web.

(2) Management Fee

There is no management fee for any special fund.

The operation costs of AF are distributed to the general fund
and all special funds, including those specified in Section (4),
proportionally according to the balances at the time such costs

New: The whole section is new.

(3) Fund management

There is no special management for special funds except the
exemption specified in Section (4).  Special funds are invested
together with the general fund under the GB  resolution on
investment guidelines.

All investment gains and losses are distributed to the general
fund and special funds proportionally according to the balances
at the time.

New: Do not allow special funds to invest differently from the rest
New:   rest fund. 
New:  Distribute loss.

(4) Cash only special funds and independently managed funds

(A) Some special fund may keep all its balance in cash, as
typically such a special fund would be used within one year after
being raised. This would avoid market volatility of short term
investment. The fund will be kept in AF no-interest free
checking account. The fund is not subject to distribution
of gain or loss of AF investment.  The termination of cash
only status requires one year of time since the special fund
manager informs GB.

(B) A special fund may request to have its own investment plan
if its balance is either higher than $20,000 or above 1/10 of
AF total.  Such request needs to be accompanied by a 5-year
investment plan, to be approved by GB, and to be effective after
3 months.  The termination of the special investment status
requires one year of time since the special fund manager
informs GB.

New: this section is new.

ZHANG, Shangyou

Jian Ding

Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2002002 Guidelines for the USTCAF High School Scholarship


Guidelines for the USTCAF High School Scholarship


Guidelines for the USTCAF High School Scholarship


(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF);
GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF;
HSS stands for High School Scholarship -- an AF sub-fund;
ONS stands for Outstanding New Student Award;
ENS stands for Excellent New Student Award. )


To attract the best high school graduates to attend USTC.
Awardees will each receive a cash award plus an award certificate.
The recipient is the sole end benefactor of this award;
such an award must not be transferred to the third party.

2. The HSS Awards -- ONS and ENS.

The HSS will provide additional funds for ONS and serve as a
supplement for ONS with lower criteria.  Students qualified for
ONS will receive the ONS with fund from the HSS if available
for this high school.  The criteria and award amount for ONS
are specified in GB corresponding resolutions.  The number of
ONS with funds from HSS will increase as more high schools
have HSS.

The HSS award annually ENS with a cash amount of $300 or more,
depending on the level of donations. The awardees must be

(1) from the specific high school where the HSS is available,
(2) not qualified for ONS,
(3) better in academic standing than the rest students from
the specific high school, or better than the average
new students in USTC if the candidate is the only one
student admitted to USTC that year.

The assessment on academic standing might vary from year to year.
It will be based on USTC recommendation and the preference of
HSS subfund managers.

3. The HSS Fund Management.

The HSS subfunds are subject to the regulation on special subfunds
of AF.  The donors of an HSS subfund may form a management group
to raise donations and to assist GB to issue ENS awards.

HSS for several high schools may combine to issue ENS awards.

4. Responsibilities of USTC.

It is the responsibility of USTC to recommend condidates for
ENS awardees.  USTC would assist to distribute the award money and
certificates to awardees.

5. GB is the sole decision maker on all issues related to HSS.

AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to
comply with their above-mentioned responsibilities.
GB realizes that the standards and information used in the
selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but
will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to
drop any candidate based on its best judgments.

6. Status of awardees.

The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit
standards. If an awardee is found to have serious misconduct,
such as cheating on grades or the College Entrance Exam,
forging merit documents, or participating in criminal activities,
AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the awardee,
to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further
legal actions if applicable. The revoked awardee will be
permanently banned from receiving any future AF awards or joining
the GB.

7. Bill of conflicts.

AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The
decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF
bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or
concerning parties.  Any exemption from the guidelines listed
in this article or modifications concerning this award will need
to be approved by GB.

Copyrigh(C) 2002 USTCAF, All Rights Reserved.



◇   AF:Alumni Foundation即校友基金会缩写
GB:governing board即理事会缩写
HSS:High School Scholarship即高中奖学金缩写
ONS : Outstanding New Student Award杰出新生奖学金缩写
ENS: Excellent New Student Award 优秀新生奖学金缩写
AF, GB, HSS, ONS, or ENS 等缩写在规则中意义唯一,不做其他解释。




高中奖学金每年提供不少于300美元的资金,具体金额根据捐款数目确定。 ENS
(1) 毕业于设立高中奖学金的中学;
(2) 不满足杰出新生奖学金的获奖条件;
(3) 学习成绩优于该中学其他考入科大的学生;如果奖学金候选人唯一,则其



3 高中奖学金基金管理

4 科大义务


5 基金会理事会拥有高中奖学金所有相关事务的唯一决定权。校友基金会理事会不对任何由

6 获奖人条件:校友基金会奖学金获得者应是品质优良。

7 抵触条款:校友基金会保留本规则的最终解释权。理事会就获奖事宜做出的决定是最终的。

2002年 中国科大校友基金会 版权所有,侵权必究

Add'l info

LIU, Zhifeng


Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-1999-2-1 1999 Chair Election Procedure

1999 Chair Election Procedure


1. According to USTCAF Bylaw Article III

"The USTCAF shall have a three-member executive committee (EC), consisting of a chairperson, a vice-chair, and a secretary."

"The Chairperson, Vice-chair, and directors of subcommittees are appointed by the Governing Board, and they are usually directors of the Governing Board."

However, the Chair election procedure is never clearly defined.

2. Past experience in electing Chair:

In 1996, each GB members submitted 3 names with prefered order(points) and then the one with highest points became Chair.

In 1997 and 1998, one GB member was nominated and strongly favored, even though we also used the point system, the Chair was almost already decided at the moment the candidate was nominated because of lack of competition.

3. Why change now?

* No one expressed strong interest to run for the Chair at this moment due to various reasons, so no candidate to be nominated.

* To make the Chair election process fair and open, give every GB member a chance.

* To avoid "forcing" someone "popular" but "too busy" to become Chair.

Proposed procedure:

First Step:

Elect a three-member executive committee -- all GB members except those who declined in advance are candidates. Each GB member should send three names with prefered order to a neutral monitor ZHANG Shangyou(771) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Second Step: After the three-member executive committee is elected, the three members have to discuss among themselves who should be the Chair, and who should be appointed Vice Chair, Secretary.

Third Step:

GB make a final confirmation vote on the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Chair can appoint other officials such as Treasurer, Directors of Subcommittees etc. who can also attend meetings of executive committee.

Pro and Cons:

1. To ensure that every GB member gets a fair chance to be in the executive committee;

2. Flexible, since the Chair only needs to be a good coordinator, so it is not necessary for the most "popular" person to become the Chair. Being in the 3-member EC already garuanteed the support of GB.

3. The only drawback is that GB members have to be careful in choosing the three members, since anyone could become Chair.

Add'l info
Liu, Dongzi
Xiaoou Tang, Zheng Liu
Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-2000-3-2 Guideline For Selling Donated Stocks

Guideline For Selling Donated Stocks
This document serves as the guideline for the USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) to dispose of stock shares donated by members.

The USTC AF designates the current treasurer to execute the process outlined below.

All stock shares received by the USTCAF go through a three-step process, getting ready to be sold, sell at a desired price set by the donor, then the final selling.

Step 1. Stock shares become ready for sale when all of the following conditions are met:

(a) The stock shares have been transfered to the USTCAF acccount.

(b) The estimated commission is no more than 10% of the stock value.

Step 2. After a stock become ready for sale, AND if the donor had NOT specified a desired price for the stock to be sold, SKIP this step.

(a) A limit order will be used to sell the stock.

(b) The price on the order will be the same price specified by the donor

(c) The order is entered on the first day the stock becomes ready to sell.

(d) The order is cancelled if it is not executed within 5 business days, or until the end of a Tuesday, whichever is LATER.

Step 3. The stock is then sold with the following method:

(a) A limit order will be used to sell the stock.

(b) The order is entered on the first Tuesday night, after market close.

(d) If the order is not executed, the limit of the order is revised daily after the close of market, using the closing price of that day, until the order is executed.

Add'l info
Li, Xun
LIU Dongzi, LI Xiaolin
Last Change

RESOLUTION: GBR-1999-11-1 USTCAF Fund Investment Guidelines

USTCAF Fund Investment Guidelines

This document specifies the guideline for how USTCAF fund should be invested.


* The basic principle is to have a 50/50 split of stock market, and short term cash.

* At 15 days past the start of each quarter, no more than 60%, and no less than 40%, of the total AF fund should be invested in a stock market index fund, preference is given to ones ones tracking S&P500.

* At 15 days past the start of each quarter, No more than 60%, and no less than 40%, of the total AF fund should be invested in a money market fund, or similar cash-equivalent instrument.

* The AF portfolio is to be evaluated at the end of each quarter. Investment adjustment is only made during the first 15 days of each quarter.

* We have chosen to consolidate all of our bank and CD account, and move everything to the brokerage account we have with Schwab.

Add'l info
Li, Steven
Liu Dongzi, Li Xiaojun
Last Change