Board Meeting Minutes, Dec 18th, 2013


Minutes of Meeting of The Board of Directors of
University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF, or AF)
1. Time and Place. The Board of Directors ("Board") of the University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Foundation (USTCAF) held its meeting on 12/18/2013 at 9pm Eastern Standard time.
2. Attendance. The following directors of the USTCAF were present:
WANG, Kefei
YING, Linghang,
QIAN, Shuo Qian,
XIE, Jianfeng
GONG, Xiaohua
LI, Steven.
No director of the USTCAF were absent. The secretary general Mr. ZHANG, Wei was also present.
3. Presiding Officers and Quorum. Mr. ZHANG Wei (the "chair") called the meeting to order and acted as chair thereof, and Steven LI acted as secretary of the meeting. The chair announced that a quorum of the directors was present, and that the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with its business.
4. On motion duly made and unanimously carried, the board agreed to grant board meeting attendance rights to the secretary general and treasurer, effective immediately.
5. On motion duly made and unanimously carried, the board granted secretary general retroactive authority to chair this meeting, and future meetings if necessary.
6. On motion duly made and unanimously carried, the board elected YING Linghang as the chair person of the board, QIAN Shuo as the secretary, Steven Li as vice chair person. These 3 persons also form the executive committee as defined in the bylaws.
7. On motion duly made and unanimously carried, the board authorizes GONG Xiaohua to propose a set of bylaws changes to streamline the AF leadership structure and operational efficiency.
8. On motion duly made and unanimously carried, the board authorizes the secretary general to set up email mailing list for the board members, plus the secretary general and the treasurer.
9. The secretary general reported operational expense highlight from the 3rd quarter, the board approves and authorizes the treasurer to release payment to the secretary general for the reported 3rd quarter expense.
10. A board member inquired about the role of the "BaseCamp" system, an explanation was given that it is the system for all AF volunteers to coordinate their work. It is however not a decision making forum for the AF.
11. Board member ZHAO Han presented suggestions to further improve how AF issues awards to incoming freshman students. The board acknowledges the suggestions to be constructive and necessary, authorizes ZHAO Han to further study the issue and present actionable proposals to the board for approvals.
12. Board member ZHAO Han further presented suggestions to develop additional members for the AF and raise profile for the AF in general. The board acknowledges the suggestions to be constructive and necessary, authorizes ZHAO Han to further study the issue and present actionable proposals to the board for approvals.
13. The board reviewed the approved the meeting minutes of the previous meeting held on 8/6/2013.
14. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:21pm Eastern Standard time.