RESOLUTION: GBR-2015-02-01 Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships 




Revised Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships


Guidelines for the USTCAF Goodwill Fellowships 

(Note: AF is a shorthand name for USTC Alumni Foundation (USTCAF); GB stands for the governing board of USTCAF. The usage of AF or GB is exclusive in this article; no other interpretation is acceptable.)

0. This resolution replaces GBR-2004010.

1. Background Information:

AF Goodwill Fellowship was set up in 1999.  In the past, the amount of award has changed several times. Due to the increasing living cost and changing dollar/RMB (Ren Ming Bin) exchange rate, the principles defined in the resolution GBR-2004010 need to be revised. Additionally, an academic criteria needs to be defined for Fellowship qualification.

2. Revision Principle:

(1) Goodwill Fellowship is 3000 RMB a year.

(2) A Goodwill Sponsor needs to make a commitment to support a student for four years.

(3) An academic requirement needs to be defined for Goodwill Fellowship.

(4) Goodwill 1+1 Program is to make sure a Goodwill student to receive financial support from his/her dedicated Goodwill sponsor for four years.

3. The Goal:

To provide financial assistance to USTC students who need financial help in order to complete her/his degree at USTC. Students are selected based on the following criteria:

(1) Financial need. (2) Academic standing.

In particular, higher priority will be given to female students from rural area.


4. The Procedure:

The Fellowships are awarded annually to a certain number (number defined by USTCAF GB) of new students with the amount of 3000RMB each.  The students are initially selected by USTC and approved by GB, based on their financial need, academic standing and availability of other financial aids. The first year AF Goodwill award recipients are not guaranteed to receive it again.

a) The AF Goodwill Fellowship 1+1 program candidates shall send GB at least an application letter stating his/her financial situation, academic standing, determination on academic achievement, and willingness to sponsor students too in future, etc.  Other materials, such as personal photo, family photo, activities photo, publications and articles, are encouraged too.  The application should be received by the end of March the second year.

b) The applications will be displayed on AF webpage for alumni and other potential sponsors to view (however, personal information will be removed and the access of this type of webpages from USTC is blocked.)

c) In general, when a person makes a commitment to support a student for four years, he or she would be called an AF Goodwill Sponsor.  A Sponsor will receive his/her own subfund to track fund activities. A sponsor should make donations of 3000RMB (or equivalent US dollars or other currency) a year for 4 years. A sponsor is not required to make donation for the year that award is suspended or if the award is terminated or revoked. The student would receive 3000RMB through AF, after the award is approved by GB and USTC. Sponsors will receive periodical update from AF regarding award activities.

d) A second year student may no longer receive Good Fellowship after the first year Goodwill award, if he or she did not get a sponsor.

e) Each year around October all Goodwill candidates should provide AF a transcript on their academic standings. These transcripts will be collected by USTC.

f) Every year the awardee candidates will be re-assessed by both USTC and AF.


5. Responsibilities of USTC

It is the responsibility of USTC to make public the selection criteria of this award to all eligible candidates. It is the responsibility of USTC to submit a comprehensive list of candidates to GB in time for it to make the necessary decisions. It is the responsibility of USTC to distribute the award money and certificates to awardees when an official AF representative is not able to be on site. It is the responsibility of USTC to collect yearly updates from students and feedback from graduating Goodwill awardees and provide this information to AF for campaign and marketing purpose. All eligible candidates should contact USTC for issues regarding nomination. AF welcomes comments and feedback from candidates or any other students but also makes it known that the official USTC's nomination list will be the only valid one for the selection decision process. USTC consumes the power to terminate a student’s eligibility for Goodwill award and replace him/her with a new student with either an agreement with the existing sponsor or a commitment from a new sponsor. AF is not liable for any dispute due to failure of USTC to comply with its above mentioned responsibilities.

GB realizes that the standards and information used in the selection process as provided may not be the best or complete but will assume no liability for such and will reserve the right to drop any candidate based on its best judgments.

6. Status of awardees:

The recipient of AF's awards should bear high moral and merit standards. If an awardee is found to have serious misconduct, such as cheating on grades, forging merit documents, or participating in criminal activities, AF reserves the right to revoke the certificate of the awardee, to publicize and notify concerned parties, or to seek further legal actions if applicable. The revoked awardee will be permanently banned from receiving any future AF awards or joining the GB. The decision to revoke an award has to be approved by 2/3 majority of GB members.

A Goodwill awardee should meet the following academic criteria:

  • An awardee should not have failed exam in the second semester of a school year.
  • An awardee may have failed exam in the first semester of a school year. The maximum number of failed exams is 2 in one school year.
  • If a student passes a make-up exam, this class is interpreted as PASS.

Goodwill Fellowship will be suspended for a year for the student who does not meet minimum academic criteria. Goodwill Fellowship will be resumed if next year the student meets all the criteria.


7. Bill of conflicts

AF is the only legitimate organization in providing such an award. AF is entitled to make final decisions on the awards and revoke an award were the actions of a recipient violate the spirit of this fellowship.

Were there any conflict of interests, AF will reserve the final rights to interpret this article. The decisions by GB on matters related to this award are final. AF bears no legal obligations to recipients of this award, USTC or concerning parties.

8. Exemptions:

Any exemption from the guidelines listed in this article or modifications concerning this award will need to be approved by at least 2/3 GB members.

Add'l info

Not Available


Yongtian Zhang


Han Zhao, Shuo Qian, Ruoyu Bao

Last Change
